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Automobile industry

Automotive laser applications

Time:2022-07-18 Views:496
In the future, with the continuous development and maturity of laser application technology in various industries, the application fields related to automobiles and parts are also gradually expanding. At present, 50% - 70% of automobile parts manufacturing processes in developed countries in Europe and the United States have been completed by laser processing. The domestic market is far from reaching this level. Adhering to social development, Shenzhen Laser Source Technology provides you with solutions for vehicle mounted display covers, car bumper drilling, and anti glare rear view mirrors. Design laser cutting, drilling and other processes to meet the current market demand.
After the automobile bumper is injection molded and sprayed, it needs to process radar holes, license plate holes and other required avoidance holes or avoidance curves to install radar brackets, license plates or other parts.
Laser cutting is equipped with manipulator to realize laser automation solution,
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