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ITO conductive film

Time:2022-07-30 Views:469
The conductivity and light transmittance of ITO films are different with different thickness. In general, under the same process conditions and PET substrate materials with the same performance, the thicker the ITO film is, the smaller the surface resistance of the PET-ITO film is, and the smaller the light transmittance is.
Transparent conductive film (ITO):
Transparent conductive films are widely used in various fields, such as transparent thermal insulation films for windows, transparent electrodes, etc., because of their transparency and good conductivity in the visible spectrum
In recent years, various oxide semiconductor thin films have been paid attention to, among which the most representative is In2O3 · SnO2 thin film, or ITO thin film (Indium tin oxide)
In2O3 and SnO2 are oxide semiconductors with properties similar to semiconductors. Adding a small amount of SnO2 into In2O3 can improve the conductivity
Characteristics of ITO film:
1. The content of SnO2 in ITO film is generally 8-9%;
2. The resistivity of ITO film decreases with the increase of film thickness;
3. The band gap of In2O3 is 4eV, and the absorption edge is near 310m. After doping, the absorption edge is long, which is similar to the ultraviolet region; 4. In the transparent region, the energy of photons is not enough to excite valence electrons, and impurities and carriers absorb and scatter losses; 5. Preparation of ITO thin films: sputtering method, CVD method, reactive evaporation method:
ITO conductive film laser shape application, non-contact material cutting, high accuracy, fast shape customization, considerable efficiency, can achieve automatic production line..

                                                                                                                                                                                 Programme value
                                                                                  Non bank editable yield above 99%    , no need to open mould,     customized,     excellent automatic process,     labor saving
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