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Polarizing functional film

Time:2022-08-04 Views:441
Polarizer is an important raw material of display panel, with complex structure and many production processes. It is known as the "chip" of the optical industry and belongs to a capital intensive industry with high technology threshold.
In the display field, polarizers were first used for LCD screens. Since one LCD screen will use two polarizers, the LCD panel has become a "big consumer" of polarizers. It is understood that the polarizer accounts for about 10% of the cost of the LCD panel, and 70% of its production area is used in the field of large-sized TFT-LED. Since the gross profit rate of polarizers is at a high level in the LCD industry chain, polarizers have become one of the areas that the industry is keen to invest in.
For AMOLED screen, its display principle is different from that of LCD screen. Theoretically, the display imaging of AMOLED does not require polarizer. However, because the base plate of AMOLED can reflect light, it is generally necessary to use polarizers to reduce light reflection. It can be seen that the polarizer industry is closely related to the development of the display industry.
The global market for polarizers has been basically stable at more than US $10 billion for a long time, of which the domestic market will grow from US $7 billion to US $8 billion. "
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